Sometimes, you don’t have to go big or go home. 

At least, that applies to when you're redecorating your office or retail outlet with an in-vogue personal touch. Since we spend more hours during the weekday at the office or retail outlet than we do at home, it makes sense that we do our best to make it comfy.

You'll be surprised that it doesn't take a lot to give your retail outlet or office a personal touch. 

Worry not if you’re not much of a handyman, DIYer, or even an arts and craft person. Not many people who started decorating their retail outlets, offices, or showrooms begin that way. It gives you the edge if you have an eye for detail or have the ability to see the big picture before digging your heels into a DIY office decor project, but it’s not a necessity. 

So, here are a couple of things you can do to pump up the look of your office, retail outlet, or showroom over a short period of time. But first, let’s set some of your expectations right.

What to Expect from your Office, Retail Outlet DIY Revamp

If every single one of us are interior decorators or designers, professional IDs would be out of a job. So, let’s start off with some realistic expectations

  1. Don’t expect it to change the whole look. It takes weeks or months to complete a new project
  2. Get your colleagues or bosses involved
  3. Ask your customers about what they think
  4. Scour the internet for inspiration and ideas on what you can do for your office or retail outlet new look
  5. Start small, one shelf at a time
  6. Make it a group project
  7. Share it online with your customers and ask them for their input
  8. Celebrate every single win

Fun and Easy DIY Ideas for your Retail Outlet Redesign

1 - Jar Fun

You might have been collecting a bunch of empty, ready-for-recycling jars at home, waiting to be thrown out with the trash. 

Well, don’t. 

There’s tons of fun to be had with those jars, regardless of the size of the jars, especially glass bottles. They’re durable, easily malleable, and absolute scene stealers.

mason jar design for DIY decor
Source :

Of course, mason jars are perfect for that healthy overnight breakfast oats in the fridge but if you’ve got a few extras on hand, try turning them into flower pots to brighten up your desk or office guest/visitor’s waiting area.

In fact, the lids can be turned into fun coasters! Here are well over 60 fun DIY things you can do with empty jars!

mason jar covers for coasters

It’s effortless.

2 - Egg Cartons from Home

Egg cartons can be turned into small flower or plant pots for office spaces, art canvases, painted lamps (yes, it's true), a Christmas Tree, or even furniture like tables and chairs! As it turns out, when put together, they're sturdier than you think. 

All it takes is your imagination, collective effort with your colleagues, a little bit of Googling and Youtubing, and you’re pretty much ready to dig your heels in to start a DIY store revamp project!

Tell me your mind is not blown by this.

DIY decor idea with empty egg cartons

You can find more of such intriguing ideas here at

3 - Let’s Go Make Some LEGO Deco

LEGO is the kind of classic toy that defies age. You don’t have to be 2-years-old to enjoy putting the pieces together, because LEGO has long been targeting adults with their more sophisticated, themed LEGO sets. As far as I can tell, it’s working. 

So, if you’re one of those who are into putting small tiny, painful-to-be-stepped-on pieces together, just do one up for your office or retail outlet!

You can use the LEGO man to hold your smartphone charging cables, or even come up with your own magazine holder made completely from LEGO. After all, LEGO has been propagating its motto of putting ‘joy into building, pride of creation’.

4 - Hanging Decor

If you’ve run out of space for storing your items, it’s time to go vertical

For one, you can use a wall-mounted display like Decowall to make things easy for you. It’s versatile enough to let you customize the entire wall to install shelves or hang posters on them

slatwall decowall display for home design
slatwall decowall display for home design

And if you have a metal rack or garden mesh sitting around in a dark corner of your attic, pull it out and experiment with using it on your store’s vertical space. 

Create a decor space for hanging plants, cups, bags, or a space to display everything from to-do lists, inspiring quote posters, notes, and special messages to your customers. 

Yes, it’s a memo board with a modern twist. We bet you’re going to find some inspiration at this fine array of funky bulletin boards from TheSpruceCrafts.

5 - Mirrors and Art

Although not technically a DIY project, installing a mirror, a long unique one, can make a world of difference to the way your retail outlet looks to your customers. Adding a mirror in your store will transform a somewhat small store into one that is more spacious and open. Setting it up beside a window which reflects the light off into the store is another fab idea.

guitars used as unique wall decor
guitars used as unique wall deco

If you have staff who are artistically-inclined, task them with painting a special message-filled mural on one of the walls of the store, giving it a personal touch. You don’t have to go as far as to install an artistic abstract art. 

In fact, your customers might find the ‘personal touch’ approach far more endearing and charming.


bookshelves display for stores and home
bookshelves display for stores and home

As you can see, revamping or touching up the look of your retail outlet does not have to cost a bomb. Given enough time and creativity, you can give your store a new look without breaking the bank. 

If you’re looking for a simpler way to get your products off the floor or make use of the vertical space in your retail outlet with a wall-mounted display system, look no further than Formedge. 

We’ve been around the block (once or twice...and maybe more) so, we would like to think we have the experience to help you find the right display units to make your store design pop!

Give us a call right now at +603-61566222, email us at, pop by our showroom in Kota Damansara, or stalk us on our social media sites on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Read 4065 times Last modified on Monday, 24 August 2020 06:25